
Tailored to the needs of your charity

The managers at GBIM have extensive experience in managing charities’ investments over many years. Our service focuses on maximising the return from investments while ensuring that they are compatible with and closely aligned to the charity’s individual mission.


Get in touch

Unique to your charity


Understanding your needs


Direct access


Security of your investments


Ethical Priorities

Investment Administration and Custody

We arrange for clients to use Pershing Securities Limited (Pershing) as their specialist custodian to ensure the security of their assets. To find out more details on how Pershing holds investments follow the link.

Our Services

From Bespoke Portfolio Management to actively managed model portfolios, we can provide you with the investment solution that works for you and your fellow Trustees.

Bespoke Portfolio Management

We know from experience that no two clients will ever be quite the same, and this recognition of the need for individual attention is at the heart of how we operate. Click the link below to find out more

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Find out more

We offer specialist portfolios such as AIM and Capital Preservation, alongside the more common Income, Balanced and Growth mandates. Our models can provide you with an actively managed investment solution.

Our Services

Meet our team

We make investments work for you. Our team tailors their services to you and manages your portfolio, no matter the size, to help you achieve your objectives.

Our investment approach

Attention to detail, openness and accountability are fundamental to what we do. To find out more about how we invest click below

Ready to start navigating the investment landscape?