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Bespoke Portfolio Management

Gore Browne Investment Management’s relationship with Professional Introducers is designed to ensure that the intermediary can rely on clients being properly looked after with individually-constructed, diversified portfolios. In addition, the benefits of high-quality investment management go far beyond the financial returns.

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Giving you more time for your clients


Bespoke to your client


Direct access to the decision maker


Secure online access


Continuous monitoring

Specialist Model Portfolios

As well as our Bespoke Service, we also offer you a range of specialist model portfolios.

These include portfolios such as AIM and Capital Preservation, alongside the more common Income, Balanced and Growth mandates. Our specialist models can provide you with an actively managed investment solution for your clients.

Click the links below to find out more:


Our Services

Enhancing the tax efficiency of your clients' wealth

The tax efficiency of your clients wealth is of paramount importance and we are able to tailor your investment solution to cater for the structure of your clients’ investments


We can provide your clients with both Flexible Stocks and Shares Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) and Junior Individual Savings Accounts (JISA).

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We are able to manage investments within both Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPP) & Small Self-Administered (SSAS) pension wrappers.

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Working with our team

We make investments work for you. Our team tailors their services to you and manages your clients' portfolios, no matter the size, to help you get the best for your clients.

Our investment approach

Attention to detail, openness and accountability are fundamental to what we do. To find out more about how we invest click below

Passing your clients' wealth on to future generations

Thinking about passing on their wealth can be a daunting prospect for your clients. Our AIM Portfolio Service offers them a simple strategy that can limit their exposure to inheritance tax.

News & Insight

Thought-provoking ideas from our investment team

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